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September 2015
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Archive for 'Infrastructure'

Funding for Safe Routes to School needs your support

Federal funding for one of the most important bicycling and walking programs is in danger of being cut.  Read on to find out more about this important program and how you can reach out to your senators and congress people to express your support. Go to safe routes to school site to contact your senators and [...]

Myth Busters…the Los Angeles Business Journal

There are several common perceptions about cycling and cyclists – many of which just aren’t true.  Such as “cyclists don’t pay road taxes..and thus shouldn’t have “equal access to the road.”  Or “bike lanes cost too much.”  Or a biggy “reducing driving kills business.” In a recent op-ed piece in one of the most widely [...]

The value of having a strong bike advocate on your staff

What can a world-class bike advocate do for your city and its bike program? Long Beach can tell you. In an excellent article in today’s Long Beach paper, the Press-Telegram,  Doug Kirkorian talks about Charlie Gandy, Long Beach’s mobility coordinator (what is a mobility coordinator you ask…in this case it’s the person in charge of putting together [...]

Highlighting Long Beach’s Sharrows, Bike Boulevards and Cycle Tracks

Long Beach has undertaken several major bike infrastructure projects over the past three years.  These are the sharrows in Belmont Shore, the Vista Street Bike Boulevard and the cycle tracks in downtown.  All of these took political will and community support. This video from Long Beach TV shows the projects and interviews with some of the [...]

Separated Bike Lanes – Cycle Tracks – open in Long Beach

The separate bike lanes…or cycle tracks as they are known in Europe…were officially opened in Long Beach on Saturday. The tracks, which are on Broadway and 3rd Avenues, run through the downtown corridor from the 710 freeway on the west to Alamitos Avenue on the east.  The tracks, which are about 1.2 miles in length, [...]

Imitation…the sincerest form of flattery…others are looking at and following Long Beach

“LONG BEACH THE UNDISPUTED LEADER” For those of you who have not seen the latest LA.STREETSBLOG by Joe Linton, a well know cycling blogger, it is a must read for anyone interested in what is happening in Long Beach and in cycling.   As you can see from the “clipping” below…Joe starts off his piece with the [...]

Grand Opening…separated bike lanes in Downtown Long Beach

Long Beach is having a grand opening for the new downtown bikeways on Saturday April 23rd from 11:00 to 2:00.  There will be activities for people of all ages – so we encourage you to come down…bring your family…and check out this newest addition to Long Beach’s cycling infrastructure. “The first separated bikeway in Southern [...]

Port of Long Beach to develop bike friendly policy

From a cycling perspective there were two significant events at yesterday’s Long Beach Harbor Commission Meeting: The Mark Bixby Bike and Pedestrian Path: The commissioners unanimously recommended naming the bike and pedestrian path on the new bridge connecting downtown Long Beach with Terminal island “The Mark Bixby bike and pedestrian path.”  We would like to thank the [...]

Community meets to talk about…how can we make a difference

Over the past few years we have seen that it is the people who live and work  in a community who have the biggest impact on the development of a bike friendly environment.  Government can help facilitate this development – but it is the community that really makes it happen. In Long Beach community groups [...]

Long Beach gets separate lanes for bikes

Over the past few years Long Beach has become known for innovation in the area of bike infrastructure. Long Beach was the first city on the west coast to put in Sharrows. It was the first in Southern California to put in a bike boulevard. In an area where the car is king….bikes are making [...]