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April 2014
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Archive for April, 2014

Bike Share bikes sighted in Downtown LB

A Long Beach bike-share bike was sighted this morning in downtown Long Beach. The bike was piloted by our mobility coordinator Nate Baird.  The bikes look great…and according to folks who have ridden them, they ride well.  They are not a race bike…but a very good urban bike share bike. The City has issued ten [...]

Long Beach…named 3rd best city in US for Cycling

  THANKS & CONGRATULATIONS TO CITY STAFF, OUR CIVIC LEADERSHIP AND OUR ADVOCATES According to a recently released report from the Alliance for Biking and Walking Long Beach is now the 3rd best city in the US for bicycling. Long Beach has had a remarkable increase in the number of people biking over the past [...]

Volunteers needed for Bike Fest – Saturday May 3

Want to volunteer for one of the coolest events in Long Beach….Bike Fest 2014… Saturday May 3 in downtown Long Beach.   Want Free Beer?  A t-shirt…lunch? Over the course of the day (starting at 9:00 am and going until just after 7:00 pm) we will need about 50 volunteers.  There is a wide variety [...]

Help make the 2nd and PCH area bike and pedestrian friendly

Would you like to see the  2nd and PCH area of Long Beach be more bike and pedestrian friendly? Would you like to see pedestrian paths that allow you and your family to view the wetlands in SE Long Beach?  You ask…what wetlands…I thought those were just oil fields. The City is undertaking a review [...]

Rob Jones – 5000 reasons to be inspired by someone on a bike.

Rob Jones is an inspiration to all.  Rob was a Marine in Afghanistan when he lost the lower part of both legs to an IED.  When he came back to he US he was determined not to let the loss slow him down.  It took him 10 months to get to where he could ride [...]

Rob Jones, a double-amputee Marine, who lost a portion of both legs while serving in Afghanistan, is about to complete a 4800 mile bike trip across the US. His epic journey will end this weekend in Camp Pendalton . Please help us welcome Rob to Long Beach on Thursday or escort him on the final [...]

Don’t restrict bicycle access to the Newport Back Bay

The Newport Back Bay conservancy is proposing to restrict bicycling to north bound only along the Newport Back Bay trail.  Don’t let this happen. The Newport Beach Bike Master plan committee is meeting this evening at 5:00 in room 100 of the Newport Beach Civic Center and will discuss bicycle access to the Newport Back [...]

Bikes and peds take over the streets of San Diego, Long Beach and LA

If it is late March / early April it must be time for bikes and pedestrians to take over the streets across southern California. Three events within eight days demonstrate the commitment by southern California cities and their leaders to become more bike and pedestrian friendly; Sand Diego’s CicloSDias, Long Beach Grand Prix Open Street [...]