Promoting bike and ped safety in your community – the message matters
What does this sign “caution motorists have right of way” at a marked cross walk tell you about a community’s respect for pedestrians and bicyclists?
Recently I had the opportunity to spend two weeks bicycling and walking in New Zealand. It is an absolutely beautiful place to ride…with great roads, wonderful people and awesome scenery. We spend most of the time on the South Island outside of cities. And the riding was delightful. I would highly recommend it as a bicycling destination. However, beware the hills are steep….I did see 19% on my Garmin at one point and sustained pitches of 12-15% weren’t uncommon.
But…one of the things that surprised me was the lack of respect motorists have for both pedestrians and bicyclists, particularly in the large cities such as Auckland. As a pedestrian you certainly did not want to step into a cross walk with a car approaching…drivers clearly “know” they have the right of way. Drivers gave little room to bicyclists when passing. When the legislature tried to pass a 3-foot law (or in their case a 1 meter law) it failed. The response was – get bicyclists to wear brighter clothing so they are more visible. Let’s have a mandatory helmet law for everyone.
Let’s make sure that in our communities we have our priorities straight. Pedestrians should have the right of way. We need to promote respect for bicyclists. As a motorist be aware that bicyclists are vulnerable. Give them room when passing. Look for them as you pull out of a parking space, driveway or intersection. At the same time bicyclists and pedestrians need to be courteous to motorists. As a bicyclists ride predictably. Don’t ride the wrong way. Don’t cut in front of cars. If a car is at a stop sign before you…be respectful…give them the right of way.
We are fortunate in California to have a legislature that is promoting bike and pedestrian safety. And to have elected city officials in cities such as Long Beach and LA who promote active transportation along with bike and ped safety.
As we approach this election season, please ask your candidates about their position on making your community more bicycle and pedestrian friendly and what they will do to promote an active life style in your community.
If you like what Bikeable Communities is doing to build more bicycle friendly communities across southern California – please help our effort by making a tax deductible donation to Bikeable Communities
Posted: February 15th, 2014 under Advocacy, Features.
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