Lena Gonzalez Candidate for LB 1st District Council Seat responds to Active Living / Biking and Walking questions
BIKEable Communities posed a series of five questions to each of the active candidates for elected positions in Long Beach that will be contested in the upcoming election on Tuesday June 3.
Below are the answers from Long Beach City Council Candidate Lena Gonzalez to the five questions posed by BIKEable Communities regarding active living, Biking and walking in Long Beach.
Active living, bicycling and walking in Long Beach
Can having an active living oriented, bike and pedestrian friendly culture be an important business differentiator for Long Beach. Can it help us attract new businesses and new resident that are looking for a city that promotes an active life style along with a business friendly environment. If so, what as an elected civic leader would you do to help deep us ahead of the pack.Yes, absolutely, I believe a strong city incorporates active living in all facets of its being: business, local support and sustainability or environment and this is something that, with our partners in the bike world, we must come together to formulate solid plans to keep growing. As someone who lives an active lifestyle with my family (bicycling, snowboarding, paddle boarding, etc.) I know personally, the importance of active living, especially in urban, dense areas like the First District. As an elected leader, I would like to see us continue partnering with our active living advocates and organizations to build strong, meaningful infrastructure that marries bicycling, pedestrian friendliness and drivers throughout our city. I would also like to work on more active living events that promote wellness, especially in dense areas like around Drake, Seaside and Chavez Park. LA has Ciclovia, let’s start something larger here in Long Beach that promotes local business and offers incentives to residents. We must also continue a strong presence in our local schools as well as material in various languages.
Studies from Portland other US cities show people on bicycles spend more per month in local business districts than those arriving by other modes. Bicycling and walk also promote a “shop local” mindset (it’s difficult to get to a far away store to shop if you are walking or biking). What steps would you take to ensure that local businesses in your district are able to benefit from better access by bicyclists? I think that any active living, wellness or bike event that we promote in the city, must ALWAYS incorporate local business. There needs to be a direct linkage to our local folks who should always benefit from any event that is created. In addition, LBCC, CSULB, City of LB and other large employers in the city should promote a shop local theme to partner with smaller businesses. I know in the city we have a Ride your Bike to work day. We need to continue promoting that, as well as the resources available for bike rentals if one does not own a personal bike. Small business always seems to be interested in offering discounts and perks for great collaborations!
Childhood obesity and chronic weight related health issues are a major problem in the city of Long Beach. In six of Long Beach’s zip codes residents diagnosed with diabetes, sugar diabetes or pre diabetes is 20% or greater. As an elected official how would you use your position to foster an active lining agenda that will make measurable improvements in these chronic but often preventable diseases? A few years back, I personally participated in Health Dept. assessments of the convenient stores and grocery stores in the First District. We reviewed inventory, advertisements for junk food and food placement and so on. I would really like to revisit these assessments and determine how we can educate our local business owners of the obesity rates in our district/city and see how we can partner with them and other agencies in providing resources to these local owners for healthier food options.
- Would you support a business are resident council on active living that would provide guidance for city policy? Yes, absolutely. As the 6th largest city in the state with growing bike infrastructure, a beautiful waterfront, Riverlink/recreation discussions going on at the LA river, etc. the time is now to support this type of council. We can do better in our city!
- Will you commit to using your leadership position in the community to “walk the walk” by personally walking and biking during your tenure in office? That is a big YES. Last summer during my Field visits in the office I would ride the city bikes to meet First District constituents. I always had a fun time doing that! I also personally own a bike as does my whole family. As an owner of a hybrid and someone who is endorsed by both the Sierra Club and the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters, the environment is important to not only me personally, but for this city and beyond. As your next City Councilmember, I vow to encourage more bike usage within our communities! Thank you!
Posted: May 15th, 2014 under Features.
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